Vellore Christian Medical College Foundation

Based in New York City, the Vellore Christian Medical College Foundation (Foundation) is the independent non-profit partner of India's top private hospital and medical school, the Christian Medical College (CMC) in Vellore, Tamil Nadu. CMC serves people of all faiths and income levels; it is dedicated to providing quality medical education and health care in a faith-based environment, with a particular ministry to the poor, the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised. Every day CMC serves over 7,000 outpatients -- over 2 million people per year. The Foundation's financial support is focused on CMC's leadership in global health education and research. Fellowships, partnerships with leading US healthcare institutions, capital projects and e-learning are priority areas for the Foundation's Board. We also provide a US base for funding from USAID.

Headquarter Address

475 Riverside Drive
Suite 725
New York, NY 10115