When you struggle just to make ends meet, it is hard to focus on the future. That is why United Way invests in helping people succeed wherever they are in their journey, from providing early childhood education to supporting senior independence and from helping families with the basics, like food and housing, to helping them build and travel a pathway to financial stability and long-term success. United Way of Greater Houston invests in quality services throughout our community, leads special initiatives, like United Way THRIVE, MISSION UNITED, and United Way Bright Beginnings, operates the 211 Texas/United Way HELPLINE, awards grants for community projects and needs, provides capacity-building services for nonprofits in our area, and brings people and partners together to address community-wide issues. To access the United Way network of services plus thousands of other health and human services, call the 211 Texas/United Way HELPLINE anytime, day or night - dial 211.
50 Waugh Drive
Houston, TX 77007