Established in 1985, Samaritan Inns provides structured housing and recovery services in an environment of support and accountability that will give homeless and addicted men and women the opportunity to rebuild their lives. Samaritan Inns' Treatment and Recovery Continuum has proven results in its unique holistic approach to recovery treatment. Samaritan Inns' Adult Treatment Program is phase one of this Continuum, serving men and women ages 18 to 60 years who desire freedom from a life of homelessness and addictions. The Transitional Living Program-the middle phase-teaches life skills so they can, as the title suggests, transition into being more independent and responsible members of the community. The Long-Term Recovery Program is the final phase of the Continuum Program. It is designed to assist residents with applying acquired tools to live a wholesome, alcohol/drug-free life on their recovery road.
2523 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009