Miami City Ballet

Founded in 1985 by Edward Villella and Toby Ansin, Miami City Ballet (MCB) is among the largest ballet companies in the United States. MCB's active repertoire has 88 ballets, including nine world premieres; the Company has toured all over the United States and with this season's touring included, will have danced in more than 100 U.S. cities. Internationally, MCB has performed in Europe, Great Britain, South America, Central America, and Israel. Miami City Ballet School, opened on Miami Beach in January 1993, trains students for a professional career in ballet. The School has an enrollment of 375 students, and no child of talent is turned away for lack of funds. The Company's Education program is experienced by thousands of young people annually.

Headquarter Address

Ophelia and Juan Js. Roca Center
2200 Liberty Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139