Jewish Women International

Jewish Women International (JWI) was born in 1897 just as 19th century women were beginning to emerge from the home and into the public sphere. Over the decades, JWI has grown and evolved, as have Jewish women, into a strong, independent and influential force making significant contributions to contemporary life and committed to the pursuit of tikkun olam - repairing the world - locally, nationally and internationally. JWI is the leading Jewish organization working to empower women and girls by ensuring and protecting their physical safety and economic security, promoting and celebrating inter-generational leadership, and inspiring civic participation and community engagement. Inspired by our legacy of progressive women's leadership and guided by our Jewish values, JWI works to ensure that all women and girls thrive in healthy relationships, control their financial futures and realize the full potential of their personal strength.

Headquarter Address

1129 20th Street NW
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20036