Immaculate Heart Community

The Immaculate Heart Community is made up of dedicated men and women with a mission to create community, to work as advocates for the marginalized, for social and economic justice and peace, and for the integrity of creation. Originally called the Daughters of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Heart Community was founded in Spain in 1848. Ten sisters were sent to California in 1871. A climate of renewal, called for by the second Vatican Council, brought about a break from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 1970 and opened membership to men and women, single or married, from all Christian denominations. Members come from many fields including education, social work, law, parish ministry, the arts, health care, and administration of public and non-profit organizations.

Headquarter Address

5515 Franklin Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028