Greater Yellowstone Coalition

The Greater Yellowstone Coalition (GYC) was founded in 1983 to protect the lands, waters, and wildlife of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. We emerged as a nationally known advocate for the idea that ecosystem level sustainability and science should guide the management of the region's public and private lands. This vast ecosystem includes twenty million acres of wild country that includes Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks, parts of six national forests, three national wildlife refuges, and state and private lands in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. We work to protect the land from mining, oil and gas, and other such human developments; to ensure rare and imperiled wildlife are sustained, including grizzly bears, bison, wolves and cutthroat trout; and in the face of climate change, to implement adaptation strategies to give wildlife the best chance of survival in an uncertain future, such as by restoring degraded habitats and protecting climate sensitive habitats and species.

Headquarter Address

215 South Wallace Avenue
Bozeman, MT 59715