Foreign Policy Research Institute

Founded in 1955, Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) is devoted to bringing the insights of scholarship to bear on the development of policies that advance U.S. national interests. We add perspective to events by fitting them into the larger historical and cultural context of international politics. We conduct research on pressing issues - the war on terrorism, developments in the Middle East, nuclear proliferation in South Asia, relations with China, Russia, and Japan - and long-term questions, such as the roles of religion and ethnicity in international politics, or the nature of Western identity and its implications for the U.S. and the Atlantic Alliance. Through our quarterly journal, Orbis, and the Wachman Center for International and Civic Literacy, we educate the public and in this way, we serve the community and the nation, the policymakers and the educators.

Headquarter Address

1528 Walnut Street
Suite 610
Philadelphia, PA 19102