About one in four children need some kind of corrective eyewear. This need skyrockets for economically challenged communities, where 30 - 50 percent of children go without necessary professional eye care services. The implications of that are tremendous, if a child can't see, he/she can't read, if he/she can't read, he/she can't learn, and if he/she can't learn. These children are going to get in trouble. Since 2001 EyeCare4Kids had served nearly 400,000 children with professional eye exams, vision screenings and, if needed, "new, really cool eyeglasses." The nonprofit now has a presence in five states including a family vision clinic, laboratory, 4 school-based clinics, and three mobile clinics. Not only do the kids need the services, but we need to take the services to the kids. It is our mission to serve Any Child…Anywhere.
6911 South State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84047