Christ House

Christ House is in its 31st year of providing comprehensive health care to sick, homeless men in Washington, DC. Our 34-bed facility provides 24-hour medical care, case management, housing placement assistance, meals, clothing, and a full range of other supportive services. Our goal is that patients will leave with improved health and a new ability to live independently in the community. We served 237 admissions in 2015 and provided a total of 10,885 patient-days of care. In addition to the primary illness(es) for which they were admitted, 90.5 percent of our patients acknowledged a history of alcohol or drug abuse, or had a diagnosed mental illness. Twenty-four percent had all three (alcohol, drug, and psychiatric concerns). Seventy percent of our patients were African-American, 60 percent were over age 50, 42 percent had no income or monthly income under $250, and 62 percent were chronically homeless.

Headquarter Address

1717 Columbia Road, NW
Washington, DC 20009